Monday, 26 March 2012

Unit-8 Science Laboratory

Laboratory safety

Laboratory safety is the key to reducing injury and illness.  There are many exposures in the laboratory that pose a hazard to your health and you may have never considered them as a hazard before.  It is important to have proper training so you, as the employee, are aware of the potential dangers that may threaten your health or life. 

  The Laboratory:

   Working in a laboratory can be an exciting experience.  It can also pose many threats and hazards that a traditional classroom does not.  That is why it is important to know your surroundings.  Know where the exits to your room are.  There may be more than one exit which could be critical in the case of an emergency.  Your supervisor will go over the emergency action plan including the escape route procedures for your room.
       It is also recommended to be aware of the fire extinguishers in location to your laboratory.  In order to fight a fire one must undergo the proper training. In the event of a fire, the first response is to evacuate the area and notify the fire department!  Any campus phone will initially direct calls to the ISU Police Dept. and from there the fire dept. will be dispatched. Do not wait any longer than necessary to call, time is of the essence!
  Know where the fire alarm is in proximity to your laboratory.  Is it right down the hall or is it in the stairwell?  If there is a fire, a quick response is the best response.   Have your supervisor show you the closest alarm.  The fire safety training will detail the safety procedures for your lab.

   Many laboratories contain hazardous substances. 
       A hazardous substance is defined as a material/substance that poses a physical or health hazard.  This includes both chemicals and biological agents. 
       A Biohazard is defined as any organism that is capable of replication and is capable of causing disease in human, animal or plant.

  There are differences between a physical hazard and a health hazard.   Let’s take a look.
   A physical hazard has the following characteristics:
Ø  When physical hazards and health hazards exist, it is very important to know where the eye wash/safety shower is located.  Unexpected accidents do occur and knowing where to go at the time of an emergency can reduce injury/illness.
Ø  First aid kits have a variety of quick relief items.  If your lab has a first aid kit, find out where it is. If more than first aid is needed, it is recommended to go to Student Health Services for further treatment.  In an event that would require more than first aid to be treated, report it to the EHS office within the next 24 hours.
Ø  When there are chemical, biological, or radioactive agents being used, an emergency spill kit should be available.  If there is a spill kit in your lab, find its location.  Further Spill information will be addressed later in this presentation.
Ø  Each laboratory has a telephone in a designated area for use.  The emergency contact numbers are posted near the phone in every laboratory on the ISU campus.   
Know What Hazards are Present in your Lab

       Chemicals can pose a significant hazard. They should be limited to the use under a properly working fume hood.  Chemicals can release hazardous vapors which not only harm the environment, but they can be a major health threat. They must be handled carefully and disposed of properly. 
              When a chemical is in the laboratory, the hazards of that chemical must be communicated to you.  According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) is required to relay information regarding procedures, equipment, PPE, and work practices that are capable of protecting employees from health hazards.
       Your supervisor is in charge of providing the information contained in the CHP to you.
Lab Safety
       The following guidelines have been established to minimize the hazards in a laboratory setting.  It is important to take responsibility for your actions and to keep in mind that irresponsible acts could have lasting future effects. 
       The next portion of the training is simply review and is meant to remind you of responsible conduct in a laboratory setting.  As the hazards increase, the risks increase, and the responsibility must increase. 

Lab Attire

Ø  No open-toed shoes
Ø  No shorts unless a lab coat is used
Ø  Restrain hair when working with hazardous materials
Ø  Remove protective clothing and gloves in public
Ø  Use the proper Personal Protective Equipment for the job

Personal Habits
Ø  Do not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum or apply cosmetics, or remove/insert contact lenses while in the laboratory
Ø  Do not store food or beverages in the lab or in chemical refrigerator
Ø  Do not mouth pipette
Ø  Wash hands before leaving laboratory or after handling contaminated material

Safe Practices
These safe practices should be followed to ensure safe working conditions:
Ø  Do not use chipped or cracked glassware
Ø  When working with hazardous materials, have a second person nearby
Ø  Know emergency procedures
Ø  Keep the laboratory neat and clean
Ø  Use hazardous chemicals under a fume hood and biohazardous materials under                         a biosafety cabinet (BSC)
Ø  Decontaminate as needed
Ø  All procedures should be performed to minimize aerosol generation
Ø  Know details/location of your vital Laboratory Information!

       Each lab contains an Emergency Action Plan which is required for emergency situations.  This is used to inform faculty/staff/students of the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency.  This includes the following information:

       The Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) is similar to the Hazard Communication Program, but this is specifically for laboratories with chemicals. This is to relay information regarding procedures, equipment, PPE, and work practices that are capable of protecting employees from health hazards. If you are working with acids, it would be nice to know what personal protective equipment is necessary and what health hazards are associated with it.  

Chemical Hygiene

       Methods and observations used to detect the presence or release of chemicals will be specific to your lab.
       A good indication of the presence of a chemical is to rely on your senses.  Can you see it or smell it?
       Is a monitoring device needed to detect it?
               This can be important information if the chemical is an asphyxiant and pushes oxygen out of the room you are in. 
       Protection against chemicals is a combination of work procedures or practices, emergency procedures, and PPE.
        Some chemicals can only be handled under certain conditions.  It is important to use proper handling procedures and practices as advised.
         The emergency procedures for chemical accidents is to first evacuate the area and then notify your supervisor, ISU campus police and EHS office if necessary.
       Each lab that has chemicals will have a lab specific Chemical Hygiene Plan.  This plan will detail the procedures and practices for your specific location.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you review the CHP.
       It is important to know as much about a chemical as possible.  The most dangerous substance is the one that has no label.  Communicating information is essential in the science field. 

       In addition to labeling in a laboratory, the next most important type of communication regarding hazards is the MSDS.  This is the acronym for Material Safety Data Sheet.  This will communicate the information necessary regarding hazards associated with chemicals and also biological agents. 

       So what is an MSDS?  An MSDS is a document that relays vital information about certain chemicals and biological agents.

Reading the MSDS
       Each component of the MSDS is broken down into sections.  Each section goes into detail about what precautions to take and the characteristics of the substance.  This is for both chemicals and biological agents. 
       Why is an MSDS important?  When you know characteristics about a substance it can aid in precautionary measure to take when using it.  Also, if there is a spill either on a surface or on your skin, the MSDS can supply you with the information needed for first aid.
       The MSDS to every chemical in your lab must be available to you.  It may be in a notebook in your labor available over the internet.  Make sure you find the location of the MSDSs in your room.
When to use PPE
       Chemical usage poses a variety of hazards.  They can be flammable, corrosive, even toxic just to name a few.  Taking all precautions to avoid physical and/or health problems  is the number one goal.  You can never be too cautious!         

Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
       Knowing how to properly use PPE can be the key to adequate protection.  Not only do you want to make sure it is the proper size for you, but also make sure you are wearing it properly.  If it is too big or too small, it is not right for you!  Let your supervisor know if you need a different size.   
Location & Availability of PPE
       Each Lab should have a designated area for the PPE that is used.  The PPE should also be readily available when working with materials that require it.  If the proper equipment is not available, you should not proceed with the work.  Notify your supervisor when you need to order PPE.  Give an advanced notice when possible due to shipping time.  Always consider in advance what you will need when conducting research.
What is a Sharp?
What is a “Sharp”?
       A sharp is defined as any instrument, tool, or item that has rigid, acute edges, protuberances or corners capable of cutting, piercing, ripping or puncturing such as syringes, blades, and broken glass.  Items that have the potential for shattering or breaking are also considered sharps.

Safe Practices
       When using a sharp there is a risk of being cut by the object and possible infection occurring depending on what the sharp was used for.  If hypodermic needles are used, special precautions must be taken to reduce the risk of a needlestick.  After use of the needle do not recap, place directly in the sharp container.
Disposal of Sharps
       All sharps must be placed into a rigid, puncture and leak-resistant container that is also impervious to moisture.  The sharps container must be labeled either with “Biohazard” or “Infectious Waste”. Do not over fill the sharps container.
       When the sharps container is full it must be collected by the EHS office.  A waste pick-up form can be completed and a collection can be scheduled.  A waste pick-up form can be obtained from the EHS office (438-8325).

Signs and Labeling
       Chemical labeling has been briefly touched on earlier One must remember that if any chemical is transferred to a secondary container, this container must be labeled.  If the chemical will be used by the end of the work shift, then labeling is not necessary.  Good science practices would encourage you to label all containers.
       Signs are a way of communicating important information.  It is a way to heighten awareness about hazards that exist. 
       There may be signs on laboratory refrigerators reminding you that no food or drink can be stored in it.  There may be radioactive or biological materials that could possibly be absorbed in food.
       There may also be signs which denote that PPE must be used. 

       Labs which use recombinant DNA and infectious agents must have a sign posted on the outside of the door.  Before someone enters the lab, they will have the information they need to protect themselves.  Always read the signs carefully so you know what precautions to take.

Practices and Techniques

Safety Equipment

Primary Barriers
       Primary barriers are referring to protective measures including engineering controls.  This includes not only PPE that has already been covered, but it also includes safety cabinets, fume hoods, vaccines and autoclaves.       
Primary Barriers
       Let’s look at the following barriers:
a.    Fume hood

b.    Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)

c.    Autoclave
Fume Hood
       The fume hood is used with chemicals.  The main function is to exhaust the vapors and gases that are generated in the hood to the outside.  The hood is designed to minimize your exposure to airborne contaminants.  This is not to be used with biohazardous materials.
Fume Hood Use
       When using the fume hood you first need to make sure the exhaust blower is operating and air is entering the hood.
       Remember, do not put your face inside the hood!           
       Minimize storage of chemicals in the hood  
       Clean spills immediately
       Work with the sash at the proper operating level as indicated by the arrows

Biological Safety Cabinet

       The biological safety cabinet (BSC) is used as a containment for infectious agents.  The BSC has a HEPA filter in the exhaust system to protect the environment and yourself. 
       The (HEPA) filter is a high efficiency particulate air filter.  It is able to remove particles at a size of 0.3 mm with an efficiency of 99.97%.  It is also able to remove both smaller and larger particles.
       There are 3 classes of BSC that are used.  The higher the risk group and biosafety level, the higher the class of cabinet that is used.
       If there is an infectious agent being used, whether it is used in research animals or cultured, it must be manipulated inside the BSC.
       When using this containment device, remember to also use the proper personal protective equipment.  The following PPE should be considered depending on the BSL that is required for the organism that you use.
Use of PPE
       Always make sure that the BSC has been decontaminated both before and after use.  Decontamination methods vary depending on the infectious agent being used.  Once the decontamination of the cabinet is complete, place the waste in a biohazard bag for autoclave.
Use of BSC
       Do not bring contaminated materials out of the cabinet until they have been surface decontaminated.  If you are unable to decontaminate, place the material into a closed container to transfer it to the autoclave

Work Practices for the BSC
       Remember to follow the work practices:

a.    Work in such a way that your face is above the front opening
b.    Wait for 1 minute after placing hands/arms inside the cabinet to stabilize the air flow
c.    Work at least 4 inches from the inside edge of the front of the grille
d.    Work Practices for the BSC
e.    Remember to place all materials as far back in the cabinet as possible
f.     Limit the storage within the cabinet

       An autoclave is used to treat infectious material and recombinant DNA.  As a standard for the University, all material of this nature must be autoclaved as a safety precaution.  The autoclave is able to render the material as non-infectious.

       The autoclave is able to reach a high temperature to sterilize the agent.  It is important to know the standard operating procedures (SOP) for the autoclave.  The SOP is located next to each autoclave.  If the temperature or pressure is inadequate, the bag is overfilled, or the peak time is not long enough the material will not be properly decontaminated.

       The autoclave is sensitive to time, temperature, pressure, water content, type of container being used and the type of waste being sterilized.  When using the autoclave there are a few important point to remember in order for the process to be effective. 
       The material being autoclaved must be placed inside an autoclave red bag or in a pan (Do not overfill the bag).
       Add ~250-500ml water to the bag or pan for steam to generate and properly circulate
       A spore strip or other approved tape must be placed on the outside of the bag or pan to verify that the heat treatment was successful.  You will have to verify that a color change took place.

       The autoclave must reach a temperature of 121°C (250 °F) for at least ½ hour at a pressure of 15psi
       After successfully being autoclaved, the material can be placed in regular trash.
       Sharps must be incinerated.  When the container is full, a pick up can be scheduled through EHS and from there Student Health Services will incinerate the sharps container for proper disposal

Autoclave Log
       Each time the autoclave is used, the log must be completed by the individual using it.  The log is to be located at the site of the autoclave.
 The information contained within the log is as follows:         
       The log is required by EPA and it must be maintained for 3 years by the department.                  
       The purpose of the log is to ensure that proper decontamination is taking place      
       If a new log is needed at the autoclave, contact the biology department or EHS.

Facility Design
The Secondary Barriers
       Secondary barriers are the facility design and construction.  These barriers are to provide protection for the individuals outside the lab, the community, and the environment. 
       An example of a Secondary barrier would be a laboratory.  It is separate from the classroom and has limited access. 
       The animal room has limited access and is only available to authorized personnel. 
       The autoclave is set away from the normal traffic. 
       The hand washing facilities are located within the lab and not accessible by the outside students.

       Decontamination is the removal or neutralization of toxic agents or the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate, or destroy living organisms.  This includes both sterilization and disinfection.
      Decontamination is the responsibility of all laboratory workers.  Failure to decontaminate can result in exposure to infectious agents which can cause great illness.  Most decontamination can be done by chemicals.  This technique is used only when autoclaving is not possible. Continue on to see what would be best for your lab.
       There are a variety of chemicals that can be used as an effective method of decontamination.  Depending on the agent being used, the method to use may vary along with the contact time.  For most organisms, a 1:100 chlorine solution for 10-30 minutes is adequate.  The Biosafety Manual has a list of sterilizers/ disinfectants that can be used. 

       The autoclave is the most effective method to use for decontamination purposes.  As a general rule of thumb, autoclave all materials that are considered infectious agent, recombinant DNA, or resemble components of this nature.  When in doubt, AUTOCLAVE!  If a material is not capable of autoclave because of its size, material, or it is stationary, then rely on chemical disinfectant as a second option.

Spills and Accidents
       Spills and accidents can pose a serious health and safety threat.  When a spill occurs, an aerosol can be created which can make the material several times more potent.  The best measure to take in order to protect yourself is to be prepared.  There should be standard operating procedures for this type of situation in your lab.   
What to Do?
       Being able to recognize the hazards, mitigate the spill, and notifying response authorities can be your best defense.  The first response to a spill should be to evacuate the immediate area until the scope of the hazard has been addressed.  Seek medical attention if necessary.  Allow sufficient time for the aerosol to settle before considering entering the room.  If you are responsible for clean up, proper training shall be addressed. 
How to Report
       When a spill occurs, it must be reported. Report to your supervisor all spills.  If medical attention is needed, it is suggested to go to Student Health Services.  All injuries that are a result of a spill must be reported to EHS.

Waste Management
v  Hazardous and biohazardous waste has special guidelines for proper disposal.  It is important to properly dispose of waste to ensure human and environmental health.  EPA regulates the waste that is generated at ISU.   
v  Waste can be classified as either hazardous or biohazardous.  Let’s take a closer look at the differences.

v  Hazardous Waste- This is a waste which contains the characteristics of being any of the following:

v  A biohazardous waste is any waste that is considered infectious and/or because of its biological nature it can cause physical or health hazards in humans, animals, plants or the environment.  This includes recombinant DNA and other genetically altered organisms and agents.

Proper Disposal
       Waste that is considered biohazardous can be disposed of in regular trash once it has been rendered non-infectious.  If a biohazard labeled bag is used, make sure it is either placed in a secondary bag or a completely new bag that is not red.
       Hazardous waste must be disposed of through the Environmental Health & Safety office. 

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